We are one family. One family . . . by blood or marriage or friendship. We live in the same small town in Central Illinois. We are moms and daughters. We are sisters and cousins. We are grandmas and wives and aunties.

We all love to quilt and were raised to believe that a girl should always wear her undershirt. And, on those days when you
wear a dress, a petticoat is always in order. This is where you'll find photos and stories of our quilting adventures.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Like many of you, our Christmas decorations, which have been gathered over 30 years, are mostly red and cream.  It only seemed logical to have a red and cream quilt to hang in our living room behind the Christmas tree, don't you think?!  So, one late November weekend, I went into my sewing room, sat cross-legged on the floor looking through books until I found the perfect pattern.  Then I gathered prints from my stash, matched them to a few more at the quilt shop and made one.  My favorite part is the candy-cane-stripe border.  The tree is down now, but can I leave the quilt up until Valentine's Day?


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